Ariel Oliveros

Ariel wanted to become a boxer primarily to be able to to defend himself because he was bullied in high school. He also thought that being a boxer will help him earn for his family because he always wanted to help his family in the province financially. He left his hometown and went to manila to find a job at the age of 14. He started as a construction worker, a laborer in the market, a nanny, an all around house helper, and a carwash attendant. He then met CJ “The Goldenboy” De Tomas who inspired him to pursue boxing and MMA. Mr. Ferdie Munsayac saw his potential as a fighter and made him one of the UGB Scholars and trained at the Goat Locker Gym. Ariel is formerly known as “The Beki Boxer” or “The Lady Boxer” because of his effeminate acts before and after every fight. He is thankful for the all out support that UGB MMA has been giving him from the start because if not for UGB Ariel wouldn’t be where he is today.








Ormoc, Leyte

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